Thursday, November 4, 2010

Reading Terminal Market

This was an interesting downtown location with all sorts of restaurants and little shops. It kind of reminded me of Pike's Market in Seattle, but only more condensed and better in my opinion.

Mutter Museum - Philly

This College of Physicians museum has on display all sorts of medical oddities. Google it and
look at the images for yourselves. It was really interesting.

WTH is Scrapple?

Scrapple (per Wikipedia):
Locally called "everything but the oink" or made with "everything but the squeal", scrapple is typically made of hog offal, such as the head, heart, liver, and other scraps, which are boiled with any bones attached (often the entire head), to make a broth. Once cooked, bones and fat are discarded, the meat is reserved, and (dry) cornmeal is boiled in the broth to make a mush. The meat, finely minced, is returned to the pot and seasonings, typically sage, thyme, savory, black pepper, and others, are added. The mush is formed into loaves and allowed to cool thoroughly until set. The proportions and seasoning are very much a matter of the region and the cook's taste.
Can't say that I liked this much. It wasn't so bad as to make me gag or dry heave, but it's got a pretty strong taste and a lot of seasonings.

Man Vs Food Philly (AKA lying SOB)

Man Vs Food went to Philadelphia and raved about Dinic's roast pork sandwich with sharp provolone and broccoli rabe. I thought that this might be one of the highlights of my Philly/DC trip. I don't remember what kind of disappointment I might have had once I figured out that Santa was fake and that I'd been lied to, but I will distinctly remember the near dismay I felt upon taking my first bite after all the hype. It didn't taste much better than the Scrapple.

After the Marathon - SLC food

The Red Iguana is a popular SLC restaurant that is especially popular for it's different types of moles. The plate in the middle of the table with the seven different dabs on it is the sampler plate to see which type of mole you prefer. It was a damn good place.
We also went to a Korean restaurant which was pretty good. I went with the bulgogi (the marinated meat on the bottom left of the picture) which pretty much everyone likes regardless of nationality.

Top of Utah Marathon

Probably not my best idea, especially since my knee had been hurting and I wasn't able to put in proper mileage beforehand. At least I finished under 4:20 (10 minutes per mile). My apologies to the little kids handing out water (right next to the port-a-potty) at the 23rd mile station. My innards weren't liking the long abuse I was putting myself through either and put on an impressive display of displeasure. It's pretty bad when you can't even look kids in the eye on your way back out.

Afghan Dumplings (Mantoo)

I've been curious about Afghan food after trying it for the first time in San Fran with aunt Evelyn. This is a recipe that I found on It's a pain to make the first time, but Sylvia and I both really like it and I've made it a few times since.

Habanero Pizza

Every August Flying Pie offers the Habanero Pizza. Sylvia could only manage a couple bites while I managed to down several pieces. It did take lots of water though and I felt like I had been repeatedly punched in the gut afterwards. Luckily the fiery sensation burned itself out before the grand exit.