Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sun Valley 1/2 marathon

Everything about the event was great except for the run itself. The higher elevation and hills kicked my ass and my time was a minute per mile slower than my time in Seoul, though this wasn't unexpected. At least I was still under 2 hours.
The race started and finished right in the backyard of where we were staying, so that was convenient. It had rained heavily the night before so I was afraid of getting drenched but we had really nice weather the day of the race.
Little did Sylvia realize that she was about to get felt up by the big flamingo in pink cowboy boots shortly after this picture was taken.

Goldy's in Boise

How did I not know about this place? It was voted by Bon Apetite Magazine as one of the country's top 10 breakfast restaurants. Even though they don't take reservations and you are pretty much guaranteed a lengthy wait, it's well worth it once you get in.
I remember when I first tasted hollandaise sauce and fell in love with it. It seems that lately I've been like a junky chasing a high, anything with hollandaise that I've had has been OK, but not anything like that first time. Goldy's finally helped me find what I was looking for, the sauce was decadent.
Sylvia's spinach florentine was also great. On a recommendation from a friend I tried the stuffed french toast. It was good but a little too sweet for my tastes.