The kind of pizza looking stuff is called pajeon, and in this case it is actually haemul (seafood) pajeon. Kimchi pajeon tastes good as well, and Sylvia makes it for me once in a while.
I don't know exactly how to explain what pajeon is. It is sometimes called a "Korean pancake", but that isn't really in the ballpark. The ingredients are put in a batter and then cooked, but that is about the only resemblance.
Unfortunately, the paejon at this particular restaurant that I've been to several times before seemed oilier than in the past. I probably won't be going back when I visit Seoul again.
The thinks on the wooden skewers are spicy chicken skin. Imagine the best part of friend chicken (the skin), minus all the other junk. I think that these are baked or broiled rather than fried, but they taste great. I will have to remember to look for a Tudari (chain restaurant name) the next time that I'm in Seoul.