Saturday, May 8, 2010

The site of my fame and glory

In about 4 hours I will start and finish my 1/2 marathon here at Jamsil Stadium, heart of the 1988 Olympics. This picture was from my practice trip yesterday to make sure I could get to the right place via the subway. I have to get there and come back just wearing what I will wear while running. Hopefully the subway won't be as congested as it was yesterday in the picture.

What will the temperature be like? Should I bring my running gloves? If I bring them and decide not to use them, there are only two options: 1) toss them 2)strategically stow them away. I would probably go with #2, which is better known as stuffing, though it is usually done with a pair of socks.

At least my jetlag is getting better. Yesterday I woke up at 3 AM, today I was able to sleep in until 4 AM.

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