Tuesday, May 4, 2010

For my friend Mary :)

I'm not old enough to fit the typical demographic for this type of food, nor am I from the South. I hadn't eaten it in about 25 years, but it reminded me of my grandma who used to make it. Yes friends, we are talking about head cheese, AKA meat jelly. Salivating yet? The taste is actually ok, but the texture can be a little unsettling. I might discuss it more at another time, but we are still getting ready for our trip.

Speaking of the trip, my sister-in-law already received the race schwag for the 1/2 marathon I will run. Soon I will be the proud owner of short running shorts and a tank top. Doesn't sound too useful other than for the pictures resembling Dangle from Reno 911 that you know I will post later.


  1. I just threw up in my mouth.

  2. From the head cheese or the mental vision of the male version of the camel toe?

  3. wow....you ate that?? That explains EVERYTHING.

    <3 Mary
